Intact ecosystems – such as clean, species-rich rivers or near-natural forests – are the subject of environmental reporting in Germany. Surprisingly, however, they scarcely play any role in national accounting or private sector accounting.
This means that the manifold contributions of ecosystems to societal well-being and prosperity are underestimated while at the same time biodiversity is systematically neglected as the basis for nature’s sustainable services to society.
In the Bio-Mo-D project, we are exploring how corporate and national economic reporting can be expanded to include ecosystem services and biodiversity indicators. The aim is to provide business, political and social leaders with information to make ecologically more sustainable decisions – and thus to ensure that sufficient value is placed on nature and biodiversity.
The project is funded within the framework of the Research Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation (FEdA) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Importance and future design of strategic alliances
Focus group on new reporting on ecosystem services
Plea for annual prosperity report
Bio-Mo-D researcher Roland Zieschank visits the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development
New directive is a huge opportunity for companies
Bio-Mo-D hosted an economic policy evening (Wirtschaftspolitischer Abend) / Discussion with members of parliament (report, Geman, pdf)
Final conference of the Bio-Mo-D project
Mehrwert Natur - Wie sich die Wirtschaftsberichterstattung verändern muss, um Biodiversität zu erhalten.
Added value nature - How business reporting must change in order to preserve biodiversity. (in German)
The underestimated value of natural capital
Open access book provides an introduction to the topic of natural capital accounting. (in German)